New beginnings speak to my spirit in so many ways, as I'm sure they do to many of you. There are 3 new things happening here that I can't wait to share with you! These changes have been a long time in the making, and it is my prayer they will bless and inspire you

Who doesn’t love new beginnings? A fresh start, a clean slate, a rebirth? As spring approaches (and not soon enough), it’s easy to see how lovely new beginnings can be. Warm-weather birds return as the trees begin to bud. The days grow longer as the temperatures begin to climb (and climb, and climb…). Calves, lambs, and kids frolic on green, carpeted fields. The earth awakens from its slumber!
New beginnings speak to my spirit in so many ways, as I’m sure they do to many of you. There are 3 new things happening here that I can’t wait to share with you! These changes have been a long time in the making, and it is my prayer they will bless and inspire you along the way.
1. A Fresh New Look
If you are an old friend of this site, you will most likely recognize the total rebranding of its pages. The pink and grey tones and whimsical feel have been replaced with neutral tones and a more “grown-up” theme. I hope you love it as much as I do!
This fresh, new look represents new beginnings in the ministry of The Missy Lewis. It also resembles changes I’ve begun to make in my home and personal life. I call it “modified minimalism.”
Modified Minimalism
My daughter, Emily, and her family stayed with us for an extended period in November and December of 2022 during their transition from Washington (state) to El Paso, Texas. Right in the middle of their stay here, our home was to be featured in the Christmas Tour of Homes sponsored by the Noah Project of our area. The tour is one of the organization’s biggest fundraisers and is typically well-attended by our community.
I have often described my style as eclectic. My kids accuse me of being a hoarder, but the truth is, I have trouble letting go of things that have even the slightest sentimental value. Even if said things are stored in a trunk or box. My walls are typically covered with photos of my family, especially now with five grandchildren.
Emily issued a challenge as we were planning to decorate my home for Christmas to prepare for the tour. “Mom, you’ve mentioned several times that you wanted to minimize the clutter in your home,” she said. “Why don’t we start the process now while I’m here to help?” I balked at first, probably out of fear she was about to make me sell, donate, or trash all my stuff like an episode of hoarders! But I finally agreed.
The result was astounding! Bookshelves were styled like Myquillin Smith of The Nester had been here. She printed recent photos of each of the grandlittles and framed them in matching frames. Countertops were cleared, the pantry was straightened, and throw pillows were fluffed and perfectly placed. When the doors opened that lovely Sunday afternoon, our home could have been featured in a magazine! It was so refreshing and rejuvenating for my home to be free of the clutter of daily living. I decided I could love minimalism – with modifications, of course!
Sidenote: Within half an hour of the last guest walking out of our doors, life resumed to its former state. It felt like unbuttoning tight jeans after a really big meal. But hey! It was nice while it lasted!
2. Moxie in the Middle
It’s funny to look back through the history of this blog. It has gone through so many name changes!
- Confessions of a Rainbow Unicorn (have mercy!)
- Missylaneous Me
- Enough Already
And now, Moxie in the Middle. You might be asking yourself, “Where on earth did that name come from?” I’m glad you asked! Since I am a bit of a word nerd, let’s start with some definitions, OK?
- Moxie – for these purposes, moxie is defined by one source as “courageous spirit and determination; perseverance.” Synonyms include grit, audacity, tenacity, guts, and stamina, to name a few.
- Middle – equally distant from the extremes; being at neither extreme. In other words, in the midst or heart of; inside, at the core.
Have you ever considered that we seem to always be in the “middle” of something? Maybe you are in the middle of a really great book, or you’re in the middle of cooking dinner. If you are a gamer, you may find yourself in the middle of an intense battle. Sometimes, we are in the middle of a mess, or crisis. We may even find ourselves in the middle of grief, a battle against illness or disease, or even a struggling marriage.
What are you in the middle of? No matter where you are or what you find yourself in the midst of, you have access to the moxie that comes from God. That’s what this site is all about, friend! My desire is to join you in the middle of your stuff, and encourage you as you seek the Lord for your own moxie!
3. A Podcast!!!
You heard it here, friends! The Moxie in the Middle Podcast will be hitting the airwaves soon! This has been a long time in the making, and I’m so excited it will finally be out there to tickle your earholes!
Very soon, you will have the opportunity to join me in talking with ordinary people – like you and me – about our extraordinary God! We have already determined that each of us is in the middle of our own stuff, right? Each episode will feature amazing folks who are finding, or have found, their moxie in the middle of their circumstances.
And here is where I’m leaning on you. Tell me what you are in the middle of or where you are needing a bit of moxie. Better yet, if you have discovered your own moxie in the middle of something, drop a comment. Maybe you will be my next guest!
Friends, the Lord has so much in store for us as we link arms and travel this road together. I believe He has brought you here for so many reasons. Maybe you are here because you need someone to sit with you in the middle of your circumstances as you gather your moxie. Perhaps you are the encourager someone else needs in her life. You may even be the precise person another sister or brother needs at this exact moment. No matter the reason you found this space, I’m so glad you are here!
With so much to learn and create, I must sign off for today. In case you didn’t realize it, I’m in the middle of starting a podcast! LOL!
So I will close this post with the famous words of the beloved Tigger – TTFN! Tata for now!
Blessings, my friend!