Conversations with an Angel… I have had the tremendous blessing of conversing with an angel over the past four days. There is no denying that the little doll who landed in our lives 6 days ago came straight from Heaven. Looking into her face is like sneaking a glimpse into the glory of God! I am completely…

Conversations with an Angel…
I have had the tremendous blessing of conversing with an angel over the past four days. There is no denying that the little doll who landed in our lives 6 days ago came straight from Heaven. Looking into her face is like sneaking a glimpse into the glory of God!
I am completely captivated by the tiny human who will one day delight my heart when she calls me “Minnie.” Until then, we are sharing the most precious secrets and making plans for all the fun we shall have! During our time together, she has practiced making funny faces at me…

This is her interpretation of “Surprise”

“Seriously, Minnie?”

“Very funny, Minnie!”

Hmmm…Not too sure about that

This is her bored face

Time to snuggle again!
We’ve enjoyed some lovely time on the balcony.

Friday morning on the balcony
And I was even allowed to accompany her on her first shopping trip with her Mommy.

Langley and Her Mommy are ready to go to Target!

All loaded up and ready to go!

Minnie and her new shopping buddy
Langley Loves Daddy
Before Eric left on Friday to drive north for a hog hunt in Haskell county, he enjoyed some father-daughter time with his little angel.

Daddy loves his little angel

She seems to be crazy about him too
It is so amazing to see her tiny, little body in his big, strong arms! Seeing the love my son has for his little girl just takes my breath away! Knowing that little angel has an earthly daddy who delights in her is so reassuring. I fully believe that our relationships with our Heavenly Father are directly affected by the bond we have (or lack) with our daddy on earth. It gives me such peace to know that Eric will reflect the love of the Father to his baby girl, and that he will raise her in the ways of the Lord!
Precious Moments
These past few days have been spent preparing meals for the new little family’s convenience, helping the new mommy with a few household chores and holding the little angel when I was asked (and sometimes without being asked). I’ve cleaned a tiny poopie booty a few times, walked my granddog, Beaux (which also involves poo, although a bit more offensive), and even had a little mini photo session with Mommy and Langley this afternoon.
I am grateful for the time I’ve been given to bond with my daughter-in-love and that sweet little angel who is my granddaughter. I have relished the chance I’ve had to observe as my son gains more and more confidence in his role as Daddy to that tiny baby.
Alas, my time here is drawing to a close, and I will be leaving tomorrow morning to point my car north and go back home to Grumps and the dogs. Monday, I will rise early and go to work, but I will be missing this tiny angel so badly! My one consolation is that I will see her and her parents next weekend, and my arms will be full once again.

Whispering sweet nothings to my angel
Until next time, my angel baby…