I believe that, at some point in each of our lives, God weaves a dream into the fabric of our hearts. A dream that's so big and so fantastic, that we need Him in order to see it come true. A dream that will glorify Him. Maybe you have been running from, instead of chasing,
dream weaver
Dreams. We all have them. Almost all children have great, big, out-of-this-world dreams. If you sit for any length of time on a playground full of five- and six-year-olds, you will see a variety of little astronauts, cowboys, princesses, ninjas, mommies, and a variety of superheroes. Maybe they’ll be blasting off to the moon, rounding up bad guys, doing princess things, karate chopping, pushing baby dolls in strollers, and wielding their super powers. At least that’s what kids did in the 70’s on the playground. Because of all the “screens” kids have now, I’m not even sure they look up from their iPads or their mommas’ smart phones long enough to dream.
I believe that, at some point in each of our lives, God weaves a dream into the fabric of our hearts. A dream that’s so big and so fantastic, that we need Him in order to see it come true. A dream that will glorify Him. Friends, He has planted a BIG DREAM in my heart, and it’s high time I cease resisting and let Him make this thing happen.
dimes, snow cones, and losing focus
You may think I’m lying, but I have some very specific and vivid memories from my early years. For instance, I remember one hot, summer day in Tiny Town, Texas, hearing the song of the snow cone truck and rushing in from my sandbox to get a dime from my Momma. I took my shiny coin out and waited for that little truck to stop in front of my house. As I waited, I practiced how to tell the man I wanted a rainbow snow cone with blue, yellow, and red. It seemed like I waited FOREVER. My little three-year-old self got bored, and started playing in the dirt near the road to pass the time. Then, tragedy struck…I lost my dime in the sand! In spite of all my frantic searching, I could not find that tiny key to sugary happiness.
After a bit of time had passed and still no dime, I ran back into the house to beg for another. Once I had received Mom’s mini sermon on holding onto the coin this time, I ran back out to see the snow cone truck’s taillights down the street. Alas! There would be no rainbow snow cone for little Missy that day! (That little story was a bonus and had absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this post.)
dream big little one
Here’s the story that does relate to my topic! When I was around four years old, my then stepdad was all set to adopt me as his own. Of course, I had no idea what that meant, but I recall the following conversation taking place sometime before our visit to the courthouse.
Mom: “Missy, how would you like to change your name?”
Little Missy: “OK! I want to change it to Cinderella Dressed in Yella.”
Mom: (I’m pretty sure she was trying not to laugh out loud) “How about we change it to Pierce for now, and you can change it to Cinderella Dressed in Yella when you grow up?’
Little Missy: (shrugging) “OK…”
You see, I was born a dreamer! That same little girl who dreamed of being a Disney princess, also had aspirations of being a prima ballerina, a trapeze artist or tightrope walker in the circus, Batman’s wife, a teacher, a nurse (SCORE!), a doctor, a mommy (SCORE again!), and so much more! No one taught me how to dream. I was born to dream! You were born to dream! We were all born to dream!
my great big dream
Reading has been a passion of mine since before I could actually read. My favorite book when I was but a wee lass was Are You My Mother? by Dr. Seuss. According to my mom, my grandparents, and my Aunt Shelia, I could actually read that book. Now, since I was only two or three, I’m not so sure that’s accurate, but suffice it to say that I LOVE books!
Now, if you don’t enjoy reading, you may not be able to relate at all, but if you are a fellow bookworm, you know. Books can make you laugh or force you into an ugly cry. They can teach you a new hobby or challenge you to be a better you. While we may get lost in some, in others we may find ourselves. Literature is powerful!
So, here’s my great, big, out-of-this-world, only-God-can-make-this-happen dream…I dream of becoming a published author!
(Whoa! I paused for a long moment after typing that and just stared at it. I’ve told some of my closest friends and family, but I’m feeling rather vulnerable about putting it out there for all the world to see.)
chasing the dream
I fully believe this BIG DREAM was woven into my heart at a very young age. God gave me a wild imagination and a knack for symbolism and analogies that will come in quite handy for story-telling. He would never give us a dream for which He did not equip us and, if we allow Him to lead, He will show us the way to realizing our dreams into reality.
Finally, the time has come for me to let Him lead. At last, I have surrendered myself to Him and am ready for the dream chasing to begin!
A few of my people have inquired what genre I will choose. Honestly, I have no earthly idea! While I’m fond of so many genres, I think I’d love to write children’s literature for a range of ages, fiction for adults, or books for Christian women that deal with the struggles and issues we all face. Who knows? Maybe I’ll write for all those audiences! I certainly wouldn’t be the first female Christian author to do that!
Bottom line…I have fully surrendered to the One who placed this dream in my heart. He knows the plans He has for me (see Jeremiah 29:11). Furthermore, check out this promise! “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established” (Proverbs 16:3).
dream with me
Maybe you have been running from, instead of chasing, your dream. Perhaps God has woven a great, big, out-of-this-world dream into the fabric of your heart, but you’re afraid to even acknowledge it because it seems too far fetched. Beloved, I get it! But if that dream keeps you up at night or pops up at the weirdest times, maybe it’s time to stop ignoring it and embrace it.
I know this can be scary! Trust me…I know! But if it truly is from God, the Giver of Dreams, you do not want to keep ignoring it because you are going to miss some amazing blessings! Again…I speak from experience!
I encourage you to read The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson if you haven’t done so already. This great little parable is about a character named “Ordinary,” a Nobody who lives in the Land of Familiar but leaves to follow his dream. I won’t tell you any more because you just have to read it for yourself. You can find it on Amazon. For your convenience, you can purchase a hard copy, Kindle download, or even listen to it on audible (my lifeline).
It’s time to do this, dear friend! I’ve chosen to bring you along if you’re brave enough to go. It’s most likely gonna be a lot like watching the Israelites grumble through the wilderness because I’ve been known to be a stiff-necked woman. In spite of that, God loves me and wants to lead me to accomplishing this dream.
As I wait upon the Lord, I must be reminded to hang onto my dime. I REALLY want that rainbow snow cone that is the reward of my endurance and faithfulness!