About Missy
Ahhh! There you are!
I see you, friend, and I am so glad you are here.
I'm Missy Lewis - wife, momma, and Minnie (that's my grandma name). But first and foremost, I am a beloved, cherished, chosen daughter of the King.
It has taken me more than five decades to begin to understand the love my Father has for me. How could He love such a hot mess? After all, He sees me in secret places. Places I hide from the rest of the world out of shame and fear of rejection. He knows about all my junk! How could a perfect God love such an imperfect me?
Have you ever been there? Running from the very God who, in the essence of His steadfast love, never gives up pursuing you?
I'm so glad you have joined me in this journey! You, too, are beloved, cherished, and a chosen child of the King of kings.

You are a beloved daughter of the King!
Bought and paid for at the highest price imaginable – Jesus Christ on the cross.
If we were sitting across the table from each other with steaming cups of coffee in front of us, I would lean in close to you, look you straight in the eyes, and tell you this…

And then, after we’ve gotten all weepy and sentimental, I’ll crack a corny joke or make a ridiculous observation, and we’ll laugh till we cry some more. That’s just how I roll!
I’m glad you’re here, sister! God has given me some beautiful people to do this life with, and you are one of them!
Be Blessed!