The Bible describes faith as “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1).
I love how this reads in the Message. “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”
It’s so true, too. A life without faith, without hope, is hardly worth living.
My faith is in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. No matter what else comes my way, He alone makes my life worth living.
What makes your life worth living?
The Little Ragamuffin Girl – A Parable
Jesus loved to tell a good parable to his followers for many reasons. This little parable tells the story of a Father’s unrelenting love for a little ragamuffin girl and her redemption through that love. Do you see yourself in this story?
Trust in the Process while Chasing after God – The Faith of an Okra Seed
Trust Issues I guess I have some trust issues. This became evident last Sunday in the simple planting of our vegetable garden. There are only a few veggies that we plant because we (I) either don’t like the others or have failed miserably at growing them in the past. Okra is one we always plant!…
Lost and Found – The Tale of an Old Red Sweater and a Wandering Sheep
Have you ever lost something so dear to you it could never be replaced? A red sweater that belonged to my grandma was lost years ago, and I have not given up looking for it, even after all that time. Beloved, that’s exactly how Jesus is in his relentless pursuit of you!
He’s Not Here – Rejoicing Even in our Grief
Is it possible to find any reason to rejoice even in our grief? When Jesus was crucified and laid in that borrowed tomb, the disciples certainly didn’t think so. But three days later, there was certainly rejoicing! Learn to lean into the arms of Love in your grief.
Running into the Arms of Love
God has wooed me and woos every one of us, but will not force himself upon us. God is a good, good Father! It is often difficult for us to understand what that looks like based upon our experiences with earthly fathers. If you have been hurt, abandoned, neglected, abused by a father figure in your life, you may not feel you can trust God with your heart. I’m here to tell you, beloved, how you can trust him.
Deal of a Lifetime: The Rug and the Rugged Cross
What do a clearance-priced area rug and the old rugged cross have in common? Really nothing at all, but how they contrast is another story. Learn how the purchase of that rug reminded me of the ultimate price paid for my sins…and yours!
Surprise! I Asked for Roses, God Gave Me a Red Petticoat
Don’t you just love it when you ask God for something very specific, but He’s like, “SURPRISE! I know you’ll love this even more!” Me, too!
Our Father God delights in giving us gifts! Read about how he blessed me with a gift for which I had longed, but never thought to ask for.
It Is for Freedom We’ve Been Set Free – Kick Those Chains Aside and Walk Out of That Cell
Are you more like a chicken or a duck? You may be thinking you’re nothing like those “fowl” creatures! (See what I did there?)
My friend’s ducks seem to prefer their pen to the freedom she offered them, yet my chickens gladly run into the freedom they are given each day. Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of our pits, so why do we act like those ducks and cling to the familiarity of captivity?
Be like the chickens, sister!
Blessings – Keep Your Eyes Open and Palms Up!
Unfortunately, we live in a broken world, and grief is something we must endure at times. God understands sorrow. The beautiful irony of our sorrow and sufferings is that God, who is the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, longs to comfort us.
Are you hurting? Has sorrow seemed to move in and make itself at home in your heart? There is a Comforter who desires to heal your broken heart. Are you willing to let Him in?
Fighting Words – Battling the Devil to Live the Dream
What do you do when you know God has placed a calling on your life, but the enemy’s lies whispered in your ear make you freeze in your tracks? You FIGHT!
Satan is a liar who is out to steal, kill, and destroy! Although he knows he can’t have us if we belong to Jesus, he wants to keep us a wreck so we cannot be effective for the Kingdom. Beloved, send the devil back where he belongs and live your purpose!