There is just so much to love about the month of October! I hope you enjoy this reflection of the countdown until the day I first became a grandmother!

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” –F. Scott Fitzgerald
October Love
There is, quite possibly, no month I love more than October. It is, after all, the month of my birth! But there are so many more reasons for my obsession affection. How do I love thee, October? Let me count the ways:
- I adore your colors! Shades of orange, red, brown, and yellow paint the landscape. And on Halloween evening as you prepare to exit for another year, you add sprinkles of purple, black, and green!
- Your fragrances! Freshly fallen leaves, pumpkin spice everything, apple pie…
- Sweaters, scarves, boots, and sweatpants.
- A fire crackling in the fireplace.
- Pumpkins, scarecrows, and hayrides.
- Princesses, superheroes, and goblins frolicking in the streets on All Hallow’s Eve!
And just when I thought I couldn’t love you any more…
Our Little Punkin
Now I have a brand new reason to love October! I know I’ve written about this a little, and anyone who has spent any time with me at all lately has heard it repeatedly, but I’m going to have a granddaughter very soon! She is due the 17th of this month, so it could really be any day now! We just can’t wait for that little punkin to get here!
I had the blessing of hanging out with my sweet little daughter-in-love this past weekend while Eric traveled to Haskell for a helicopter hog hunt. Look how stinkin’ adorable she is!

Caitlin and Beaux

Eric is so ready to hold his baby girl!
There is no describing the emotions that are rolling through this Minnie as the time draws near for our little ladybug to arrive! My heart almost explodes with joy as I hear her daddy, my firstborn, talk of how he yearns to see her and hold her! And nothing is sweeter than knowing how deeply she is already loved by her beautiful momma!
“For this child I have prayed, and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart.” ~1 Samuel 1:27
Before We Know It
When we first found out about the due date, I said, “I hope she’ll get here on my birthday!” Now…as much as I’d LOVE to share my special day with her, I am hoping she won’t wait! Sharing a birthstone and birth month with her is more than enough! I just can’t wait to meet her!
I realize how impatient I am becoming as we get closer to her due date. She is, after all, not due until next Monday. It just seems as if the closer we get, the further away it seems! As my sweet “He” used to say, “She’ll be here before we know it.”
Love Like None Other
For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard people say that there is no love like that for a grandchild. It’s just a matter of time before I experience that firsthand. It’s gonna be a great time, and I’m glad you’ll be there to join me in the fun!