Recent Blog Posts
Dream Big, Sweet Daughter – Pursuing the Desires of My Heart
I believe that, at some point in each of our lives, God weaves a dream into the fabric of our hearts. A dream that’s so big and so fantastic, that we need Him in order to see it come true. A dream that will glorify Him.
Maybe you have been running from, instead of chasing, your dream. Perhaps God has woven a great, big, out-of-this-world dream into the fabric of your heart, but you’re afraid to even acknowledge it because it seems too far fetched. Stop! Turn around and chase the God who gave you that dream, girl!
The Shack – Missylaneous Thoughts and Ramblings
This archived post talks about the movie, “The Shack.” No matter what this fallen world has dealt you, God is a good, good Father. He is willing to meet you where you are, and His love is unending, no matter how distant you become. He never stops pursuing you.
Moving the Mailman into His Man Cave
{the evolution of the man cave} According to traditional history books, man’s first dwelling was a cave. Or at least that’s the way I remember it. Of course, I could be confusing “history” with the TV shows of my childhood, Flintsones and Captain Caveman, but somewhere in time, men lived in caves. Right? And of…
The Sweetest Thing – Valentine Surprise from the King of My Heart
{valentine’s day} I’ve always LOVED Valentine’s Day! I have the fondest memories of construction paper hearts of pink, red, and white cleverly glued together to form dogs, caterpillars, and birds. Does anyone else remember how cool it was to learn that, by folding a piece of paper in half and cutting a teardrop shape on the…
Sweet Nothings: Overcoming My Sugar Addiction…again
{my name is missy, and i’m a sugar addict} Sugar. It is quite possible that sugar is the single most addictive substance on planet Earth. It is certainly my drug of choice. Sugar is a socially acceptable drug. It is a welcome and expected guest at all birthday parties, arriving dressed as cupcakes with fluffy buttercream…
My New Bible – A New Vessel for a Timeless Treasure
{my new bible} My new Bible arrived in the mail yesterday! I ordered it a couple of weeks ago, after a long search for just the “right” one. After extensive research to determine which version to purchase, I felt confident that THIS was the one! (It helped that Beth Moore recommended it!) {unfamiliar territory} I…
Christmas Just Snuck Up On Me…
“Christmas snuck up on me again!” How is it that this phrase even exists? I have heard it announced more times than I can count, having muttered it myself year after year. Christmas is December 25. Every! Single! Year! But for some mysterious reason, I find myself in the same predicament each year…freaking out because…
The Big 5-Oh! Fifty years of Missylaneous Me
The Big 5-oh! Well, this just happened… FIFTY! They say “it’s the new 30.” Is it? I think not. Fifty is the new FABULOUS! Fifty is its own brand of wonderful, and I am thrilled to begin this adventure! Fabulous Fifty What is so fabulous about fifty, anyway? I remember a time in my life when…
Conversations with an Angel – Getting Acquainted with My Little Langley
Conversations with an Angel… I have had the tremendous blessing of conversing with an angel over the past four days. There is no denying that the little doll who landed in our lives 6 days ago came straight from Heaven. Looking into her face is like sneaking a glimpse into the glory of God! I am completely…
Baby! Baby! (The wait is over! I’m officially MINNIE!)
{baby} A tiny baby entered the world on Sunday, and she will call me “Minnie.” It was one of the most sacred moments of my life. There is nothing that compares to the joy in my heart to be able to share the story of the day my first granddaughter was born! {nesting} Something in…