The Missy Lewis Blog


The Bible describes faith as “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  (Hebrews 11:1). 

I love how this reads in the Message.  “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”

It’s so true, too.  A life without faith, without hope, is hardly worth living.

My faith is in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God.  No matter what else comes my way, He alone makes my life worth living.

What makes your life worth living?


Oh, how I love the wacky, magnificent group of people God gave me to do life with! 

We are loud.  We love to laugh.  We can be a little rowdy at times.  We might even get on each other’s nerves on occasion. But no matter what, through thick and thin, in good times and bad…We are family. (The 70’s child in me really wants to bust out in song with Sister Sledge here. Don’t judge me, girl. You know you want to, too!)

A really cool quote I found on the Google machine says, “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who always love you…no matter what.”

This space is for sharing stories about those people. The ones who have impacted my life and love me for the red, hot mess I am.


Minnie’s my name! Loving grandlittles is my game!

I’ve been living on this planet for more than 50 years, but I came alive in a way I never thought possible in October of 2016 when I laid eyes on my first grandchild. Being a momma was amazing, but this Minnie gig…oh, my!

The Bible calls grandchildren our “crowning glory” in Proverbs 17:6. I’ve also heard them called our “reward for not killing our kids.” (That didn’t come from the Bible, though.)

Our grandlittles give us a reason to be silly again. They teach us to slow down and pay attention to tiny details. Grandchildren remind us that life is short so we should eat some ice cream.

This space is a fun one filled with tales of mermaids and dinosaurs, astronauts and ballerinas, tea parties and dragon slaying. This space is for anyone who desires to speak truth and blessings into the heart of special little people in their life.

Enough Already

Do you ever feel like you are constantly being measured against a set of crazy, unattainable standards? Well, princess, it’s time to toss aside your measuring stick and declare I AM ENOUGH ALREADY!

You were created precisely as you are by a God who does not measure you against the world’s standards. He made your heart, your spirit. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

In this space, you will be empowered and encouraged to embrace the uniquely beautiful creature you are and learn to delight in knowing you are enough already!

Aging With Grace

My grandma always said, “Getting old is for the birds,” but I believe it can be fantastic! And fun! And hilarious!

Growing older offers us so many beautiful gifts – wisdom, grandchildren, AARP discounts. Of course, there are some not-so-beautiful things as well – chin whiskers, pesky gray hairs, and achy joints, but let’s not focus on those!

This space is where we learn to laugh at the days to come and rejoice in the beauty of time as we discover how to age with grace!


“A day will come when the story inside you will want to breathe on its own.  That’s when you’ll start writing.”  --Sarah Noffke

My story is demanding to breathe on its own, y’all, and I am writing!  

My heart is alive with a dream of writing the story of a good, good Father.  A Father who not only plants a dream in a young girl’s heart, but waters it and cultivates it and prunes it into a deeply-rooted, magnificent tree with branches filled with delicious fruit which nourishes the soul.  

A tree which provides shade and a place to rest for a weary soul.  From which playful hearts can swing and adventurous souls explore.  

William Wordsworth said it beautifully, “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”

This space is for the breathings of my mended heart.


I love to talk.  In fact, since I learned to speak as a young ‘un, many have asked the question, “Does she ever hush?”  My answer is, as long as I have something important to say, I won’t be quiet!  

I have discovered I am quite comfortable speaking, especially when given an opportunity to speak life and Truth into the hearts of others, and I believe God has gifted me with the gift of gab to use for His glory.

I’m reserving this space to share information about how to invite me to speak at your next event.  Check back from time to time, and if you would like to learn more, “Let’s Connect!

Missylaneous Thoughts

If we tried to create a category for all the eclectic thoughts that go through my busy mind, it would break the internet! So this space is where every thought that doesn’t fit into the other categories will live.

Here you will learn about everything from the confessions of a rainbow unicorn to raising chickens to pickling okra. This space is for random, quirky, and sometimes profound musings can be found. Buckle up, kids! This could be a wild ride!

Recent Blog Posts


For the Love of October! The Very Best Month of the Year

There is just so much to love about the month of October! I hope you enjoy this reflection of the countdown until the day I first became a grandmother!

comfy bed

Hanging out with Jesus in a Treehouse: Learning to Be Still at His Feet

Jesus in a treehouse? I just spent the weekend hanging out with Jesus in a treehouse.  It was AMAZING!  I can’t wait to tell you all about it! For weeks, or maybe more like months, it’s like I’ve been wandering around in a dark, dense forest with no sense of direction. I could hear a voice…


Shut Up, Fat Girl! (Overcoming a Negative Self-Image)

Who is that Fat Girl? Would someone please shut that fat girl up?!?  She has been harassing me since I was in the seventh grade, and I’m freaking sick of it!  I NEVER hear anything positive come out of her mouth!  The only thing she’s good at is making me feel bad about myself!  It’s time…

Family Time: Onesies, Guns, Dogs, and Okra

Warning: This post involves some neck stretches in order to view photos. Family Family time really is the very best time!  Probably from the day I was born, the value of family has been ingrained into my very soul.  My grandma, He, used to always say, “I love having all my chicks in the nest.”  I totally…

circa 1984

The Making of a Rainbow Unicorn – Becoming Missylaneous Me

In the Beginning… Believe it or not, I was not born a Rainbow Unicorn.  I was a very ummmm…unique child, one might say. According to my family, I was a pretty dang smart little girl, although a little weird when it came to naming the adults in my life.  For instance, my maternal grandparents were “He…


Minnie – Because “Grandmother” is for Old Ladies

Grandmother Names… My grandkids will call me “Minnie.”  “Grandmother” is for old ladies, plus it’s way too formal.  (I apologize in advance to any Grandmother out there who I may have offended!  It’s a lovely name, but just not me!) As weird as it may seem (I guess it would seem weirder if we were…

Waving the White Flag – Missylaneous Adventures in Starting a Blog

I’m Starting a Blog! Hey!  I’m starting a blog! A couple of weeks ago, I proudly announced to my techno-genius son, Eric, that I had taken the plunge and purchased a domain to launch my very own website. (I have no idea if that is the correct terminology, but it sounds right to me, so…

Confessions of a Rainbow Unicorn

Upgrading! It thrills me to present to you, BOTH of my loyal blog followers, the Missylaneous Me website!  Although I have been sporadically blogging for a few years now, I recently decided to take the plunge and purchase a domain, my own little piece of the interweb!  You might say that I had previously rented my…

Missy Lewis - Brand Board (2)
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